Winter To-Do List
10 Ways to Recharge for Spring 2020!
It’s finally here – Winter Break!
You worked hard this semester and it doesn’t go unrecognized. Now is the time to get some well-deserved rest and relaxation before the spring semester begins.
As you think about how you want to spend this time away from UMBC re-charging, and if binge-watching Netflix (and Disney+...and Hulu...and Xfinity...even Crunchyroll...) just won’t suffice, check out some of the suggestions below:
1. Catch up on Sleep
Did you pull more all-nighters this past semester than you would like to admit? Now is the time to re-establish some good sleeping habits.
2. Do some light brainstorming for next semester plans.
If you found yourself too overwhelmed and busy last semester, consider what activities you may need to let go of. On the other end, if you feel you had too much time on your hands, consider some clubs or activities you may be able to get involved in this spring.
3. Take time to reconnect with family and friends
Tell your friends you cherish them! Keep your support system strong and growing into the Spring semester. Spend some time with the elders in your family learning more about your family history and heritage. This discovery about your family roots can be the inspiration you need to keep pushing forward when the going gets tough.
4. Eat a good meal! Or two. Or three...
Take a break from your typical college diet and use this time to enjoy some healthy meals. And as a note for when you get back to campus, check out these easy healthy meals you can cook up right in your residential hall!
5. Take a day trip somewhere that you haven't been or spend an afternoon exploring your hometown, or you can volunteer in your local community.
The local food bank, animal shelter, or soup kitchen can all be great ways to spend time supporting the community. A quick Google search can help you find hundreds of ways to get involved this January.
If Maryland is home, here is a list of 100 day trips from Baltimore, and places to volunteer!
6. Visit a graduate or professional school.
Whether you are just starting to think about grad school or are actually working on applications, in-person visits are always informative.
7. Set up an informational interview with a working professional.
Find out what a profession is really like and make connections with people in your future field by conducting an interview unrelated to a job search. Sample question: “What are the most important qualities for an aspiring pilot/engineer/dance therapist?” Shadowing can help you determine if a profession is really for you! Keep a journal to record notes from these experiences.
8. Update and upgrade your resume.
Opportunities sometimes come up quickly and you want to be ready with that polished resume. Every college student needs a polished resume!
9. Plan an independent research or creative project and prepare an application for the UMBC Undergraduate Research Award (URA).
The URA provides up to $1500 to support research expenses such as equipment, travel, and materials. Applications are due no later than May 1, 2020. Here is a link to the full details.
Summer internships can provide both $ and valuable experience. The more competitive internships have deadlines in fall, but some are still open in January-March. If you have already missed a deadline, get all the information so you can apply early next year. Some internships are open to recent college graduates.
10. Work on your graduation game plan.
Winter break is an excellent time to create, revise or update your plan. Here are suggestions for a pathway you can take for graduation, and it includes a worksheet to start the plans on! Don’t forget to refer to your degree audit on myUMBC!
Read more about this here.
Posted: December 6, 2019, 12:05 PM