Don't Just Follow the Leader, BE a Leader
Find the Leadership Position at UMBC that is Right for You!
Written by Jenika Brown, OAPA Peer Advisor
Who says there can only be one leader? At UMBC you're never short on opportunities that allow your light to shine as bright as gold! Make a difference in the UMBC community, forge everlasting relationships, or simply add advantageous skills to your resume by taking on various leadership roles on campus.
Note: Expect that some organizations, leadership positions, and jobs will be structured differently due to the virtual nature of our campus community.
Join a Student Organization
Whether it be a club sport or a sorority/fraternity, you are bound to implement and gain leadership skills, while also becoming part of a supportive family! Serving on an organization's executive board will allow you to enact skills that you will need in the workforce, as well as help you in the workforce, as well as help you to initiate positive changes on campus or in the community. Check out this link for a full list of our incredible diverse organizations.
Get a Campus Job
Put some extra money in your pocket, and extra skills on your resume. Most student positions promote leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. Log in to your UMBCworks to find open positions.
Still don't know where to start? Let me give you a hand:
Join forces with the SGA! As an undergrad student you're already a part of the SGA, you might as well assume a role and work hand-in-hand with faculty to implement the change you want to see! The 2020-2021 candidate application is open now. Applications are due February 26th!
Campus residents stand up and get involved with the Resident Student Associate (RSA)! UMBC is not just your school, it is your home. Engage with residential life staff to make the most out of your on-campus living experience. Email to find out ways to get involved.
Orientation Peer Advisor (OPA) - Be a part of a close-knit team of students who welcome new students and their families to campus during the summer and winter terms during New Student Orientation.
Welcome Week Leaders (Woolies) - As part of the Woolie team you will serve as a resource to all incoming students during Welcome Week, supporting students in their transition to campus and helping them connect to events and upcoming opportunities.
IHU Peer Facilitator - IHU Peer Facilitators are an integral part of all Introduction to an Honor's University (IHU) courses, assisting instructors in course preparation, lesson implementation and serving as a resource to students throughout their time in the course.
Become a part of the Grit Guides team through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Whether as a student assistant or a tour guide, this position allows you to work with prospective students and share your passion for UMBC! Email Kristin Luther ( for more information.
Are you an international student? The Global Ambassador Program is a NEW peer-mentoring program at UMBC that seeks to create a welcoming and considerate community for UMBC's international students.
Join the Office of Academic and Pre-Professional Advising (OAPA) as a Peer Advisor! This may sound like a shameless plug...but I can assure you it's not. This is in fact a very prideful plug! Despite being very shy, working as a Peer Advisor has made me self-assured due to the tasks entrusted to me. Not to mention, my interpersonal skills have increased immensely due to the diverse students I interact with and help daily. We will be hiring new peers at the end of the semester. If you're interested, you can apply here.
Posted: February 9, 2021, 2:46 PM