University Seminar (UNIV) Instructors

Academic Engagement and Transition Programs invites members of the UMBC community to apply to serve as University Seminar (UNIV) instructors. This opportunity is extended primarily to faculty (tenure and tenure-track, lecturers, and adjunct faculty) as well as full-time staff members. Information about the annual application and training timeline and teaching team expectations for the UNIV Instructor and Teaching Assistants roles can be found below.

To learn more about the University Seminar Series (UNIV) offerings before applying – please visit the UNIV website.

Questions about this opportunity can be directed to Dr. Laila M. Shishineh, Assistant Vice Provost & Assistant Dean – Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (

  • Early February: Attend UNIV Instructor Info Session
  • Mid to Late February: Submit UNIV Instructor Application
  • Mid to Late July: Attend UNIV Instructor 2-Day Training

As with any academic endeavor, there are goals and outcomes identified as expectations of that experience. With student success as our guiding principle, we want to ensure that students who participate in the UNIV Seminar Series are provided with tools that will facilitate success in the classroom as well as supportive connections that extend beyond the classroom. The expectations outlined below should enable us to takes steps toward clearly articulating for new students the expectations that accompany a college education.

This will be accomplished through the actual learning that occurs in the UNIV Seminars, but also through the experience in the classroom and articulated learning outcomes. There will be collaboration within the teaching team (Instructor & Teaching Assistant), improved and measurable outcomes for the students, and a shared goal of working to ensure a comparable academic experience regardless of which section of UNIV a student enrolls.


  • Attend UNIV instructor training sessions (July for Fall semester and January for Spring semester)
  • Attend additional instructor training sessions which are provided, recommended, or approved by the UNIV Steering Committee (Minimum one per semester)
  • Teaching team works together to:
    • Review and plan for how to administer seminar content and assignments
    • Discuss how to create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment
    • Determine a communication plan and meeting schedule for the semester
    • Discuss how to divide responsibilities and demonstrate solidarity in the classroom
    • Clarify responsibilities around timely grading of UNIV assignments and deliverables
    • Communicate during the semester about any issues or student issues (absences, grades, other behavior)
    • Provide Early Academic Alerts for at risk students
      • Expect 100% participation from UNIV seminars
    • Consider revisions to class schedule as a result of formal and informal assessment efforts
      • Utilize Pre-Assessment summary to identify topics of concern to address and/or spend more time on these topics as needed
      • Utilize informal student feedback throughout the semester to make adjustments


  • Instructors and teaching assistants will attend every class session (unless an emergency situation occurs)
    • Absences due to work conflicts, conferences, etc. must be negotiated well in advance to ensure appropriate coverage (consider having TA facilitate, offering an online alternative, reaching out to the Steering Committee, etc.)
  • Addressing personal/behavioral/ethical issues should be handled by the instructor and appropriate resources should be utilized (teaching assistants can be part of these conversations but should not be primarily responsible for handling these matters)
  • Model desired behaviors that support UMBC values and expect students to follow:
    • Be courteous and open-minded
    • Demonstrate problem solving and critical thinking skills
    • Demonstrate good work habits/organization/preparation
    • Encourage class participation (from all students)
    • Use active learning and classroom facilitation techniques
  • Deliver standard lessons (prepared by the UNIV Steering Committee) including but not limited to:
    • Welcome/First Day and Wrap Up/Reflection/Last Day
    • Academic, Sense of Belonging, and Personal/Professional Development Topics
    • Use of One-on-One Check-In Sheets
    • Introducing Assignments/Deliverables and Online Modules/Activities


  • Expectation: 100% participation in all assessment efforts by all instructors
  • Administer Pre-Assessment & Post-Assessment Survey during first and last class
    • Review summary of Pre-Assessment for ongoing instructional changes
    • Review summary of Post-Assessment for future instructional changes
  • Notify students about the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) and encourage participation (not required – strongly encouraged)
  • Administer key deliverables and use BB rubrics to grade
    • UNIV101 = Academic/Parallel Pathway Project, Time Management Project, Professional Portfolio Project, & Group Research Project
    • UNIV301 = Academic Pathway Project, Academic Resource Project, Professional Readiness Meta-Badge, Digital Storytelling Project, & Individual Research Project
  • Provide timely grades and feedback on all key deliverables and assignments
    • Instructors should complete the majority of grading for the course (TAs can help if they are interested in doing so but should not be required to complete most of the grading)

Teaching Assistants

  • Teaching Assistants play a critical role in UNIV by providing a student perspective, facilitating topics, and providing input regarding the curriculum
  • Teaching Assistants will receive a Meta-Badge for participation and a stipend if they meet the expectations of their role – these expectations include:
    • Attend and participate in all required TA training sessions
    • Attend and participate in every class session
    • Role model class participation for students and demonstrate appropriate classroom behavior and a high level of professionalism in their interactions
    • Communicate concerns to the instructor in a timely manner
    • Utilize the UNIV Steering Committee for additional support as needed
    • Complete all reflections and monthly meetings related to their role
  • Instructors should:
    • Assist in ensuring that TAs are given a leadership role in the classroom
    • Discuss the TA’s goals before the start of the semester and work together to determine ways to meet these goals throughout the semester
    • Communicate and meet regularly with the TA
  • See Expectations for Working with a Teaching Assistant Handout for Additional Details

Expectations for UNIV Steering Committee to Support Instructors

  • Serve as a resource for all instructors and teaching assistants working with the UNIV Seminar Series
  • Communicate and/or respond in a timely manner to any difficulties encountered by instructors and teaching assistants (if these matters cannot be resolved by the team members themselves)
  • Provide training opportunities in July for Fall sections and January for Spring sections as well as ongoing development and training opportunities throughout the year
  • Maintain and disseminate information and materials via Box and WebEx
  • Administer and execute contracts for all instructors and teaching assistants to receive payment for working with UNIV sections