Mission and Vision

Academic Engagement & Transition Programs

Our department is committed to supporting student success through a comprehensive, life-cycle oriented curriculum designed to guide students as they transition into, through, and out of their university experience. We offer dynamic academic courses that focus on timely, relevant topics aimed to foster both in and out of class growth for all students. Our curriculum and programming efforts continuously evolve to address the changing needs of our diverse campus community, empowering students to thrive at every stage of their academic journey and beyond.

Academic Engagement and Transition Programs (AETP) works closely with academic departments and other campus units to provide a distinctive experience for every UMBC undergraduate student. These experiences are designed to engage students in the intellectual life of the university and promote academic excellence. The ultimate goal is to enrich the undergraduate student experience academically, socially, and civically.

Along with our colleagues in the Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs (UAA) we work collaboratively and independently to offer courses and programs that contribute to student success and support the broader mission of the university.

The Division of Undergraduate Academic Affairs: