UNIV 102 – Success Seminar

Course Description: This course is designed to help students in academic jeopardy succeed at UMBC through coaching and reflection, interactive class discussions and cooperative learning. The curriculum focuses on helping students understand how humans learn and how to enhance human functioning through behaviors that help motivate and achieve success. In addition, cross-cultural skills, study techniques and time management practices are addressed. Students are connected with campus resources and support, such as Advising and Financial Aid. This course is repeatable for credit.

Section: 01-LEC (7056)
Lecture: We 4 – 5:15 p.m. | Sherman Hall 013
Instruction Mode: Hybrid
Meeting Dates: 08/28/2024 – 12/10/2024
Instructor: Samir El Omari

Note: Prerequisite: Maximum GPA of 2.0

Section: 02-LEC (7058)
Lecture: Th 4 – 5:15 p.m. | Engineering 102
Lecture: TBA | Web
Instruction Mode: Hybrid
Meeting Dates: 08/28/2024 – 12/10/2024
Instructor: John Fritz

Note: Prerequisite: Maximum GPA of 2.0

Section: 03-LEC (7059)
Lecture: TuTh 10 – 11:15 a.m. | Math & Psychology 104
Instruction Mode: In Person
Meeting Dates: 08/28/2024 – 12/10/2024
Instructor: Mitsue Wiggs

Note: Prerequisite: Maximum GPA of 2.0

Section: 04-LEC (7060)
Lecture: MoWe 10 – 11:15 p.m. | Janet & Walter Sondheim 113
Instruction Mode: In Person
Meeting Dates: 08/28/2024 – 12/10/2024
Instructor: Monique Ransom

Note: Prerequisite: Maximum GPA of 2.0