Student Guide to Online Learning

Engaging During Virtual Learning A graphic of a printer


Graphic image of student on a zoom call with teacher

  • Ask and answer questions during class
  • Utilize the chat feature and reaction buttons to share what you are thinking/feeling
  • Consider turning your camera on or post a profile photo or favorite image as your avatar

Avoid Multitasking

A graphic of several browser screens open

  • Close distracting tabs and apps
  • Put your phone away or turn off notifications
  • Humans are not as good at multitasking as they think

Connect with the Instructor & TA In Class

A graphic of a student asking a question to the instructor

  • Communicate with your instructor and teaching assistant before or at the end of class
  • Ask questions during class

Connect with Other Students in the Course

A graphic of a student connecting to other via desktop, tablet and mobile devices

  • Use the direct chat/email to connect individually with other students
  • Get to know other students during small group discussions
  • Discover and join the way students are connecting outside of class (Discord, GroupMe, Slack, etc)

Make the most of Asynchronous Sessions

A graphic of a laptop with a wall clock behind it.

  • Stick to your instructor’s schedule as much as you can – staying on a schedule will help you have a feeling of normalcy and prevent you from falling way behind
  • Find out how to ask questions: Use chat, use discussion forums, use email
  • Continue to take notes as you would if you were there in person
  • Watch recordings at normal speed

If you find yourself struggling to engage either inside and/or outside of the classroom, or when it comes to studying on your own, know that UMBC has many great resources to help you! You can, and should, ask for help as early and as often as you need it.

Consider utilizing these campus resources:
Academic Resources | Mental Health Resources | Social Resources | Wellness Resources
