Several UMBC students, fitted out in their UMBC gear, are showing their school spirit down at the Inner Harbor.
We can’t wait to help you find your place on campus! Research shows that students who are actively engaged in their campus community have a more positive college experience. We recommend joining a student organization, taking a group fitness class at the Retriever Activity Center (RAC), or attending Commuter Connections’ Good Morning Commuters breakfast. And so much more!
Reasons to Get Connected
Become part of a peer network of students.
Get involved in service to meet the needs of your local community.
Develop valuable leadership and team-based skills.
Make positive change at your institution.
You have made an important decision to complete your undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Take advantage of the many opportunities and supports to help you make the most of your academic experience.
Connect to Campus
Clubs & Organizations
There are over 260 student organizations at UMBC! Whether you are interested in student government, fraternity or sorority life, or joining a club, there is a place for you at UMBC! Explore all of our student orgs in one place at Involvement Fest, held at the beginning of each semester.
UMBC Recreation provides a holistic environment through Fitness & Wellness, Club Sports, Intramurals, Physical Education, and Aquatics to foster a balanced and healthy lifestyle. UMBC also hosts a vibrant athletics department. Join your fellow Retrievers as we cheer on our men’s and women’s teams throughout the year!
Commuter Connections offers a range of services, programs, and support to transfer and commuter students! If you are commuting to campus and want to get involved, consider participating in commuter programming!
Tau Sigma is a national honor society that promotes the academic excellence and involvement of transfer students. Members gain leadership experience and help support and develop initiatives for the larger transfer population on campus. Learn More about Tau Sigma
Professional Development
There is no time like the present to consider your first, second, or fifth experience in the field. There are varying levels of commitment and/or skill required, so no matter where you are on your path, you can find a valuable experience that fits into your unique situation.
Gaining experience is a process. Rather than thinking about ways to check off each experience, plan for how your experiences can build upon each other, and increase in scope over time.
Fellow transfer students highly recommend these experiences: giving back to the community through service learning, participating in Undergraduate Research, studying abroad, exploring Career Choices and Internships, and much more.
Service Learning
Service-Learning engages students in weekly service with a designated service placement. The 096 Community Service & Learning Practicum allows for students to engage in weekly service and reflection through the enrollment in a zero-credit, pass/fail course.
Fellow undergraduate students are engaging in exciting research in every discipline. Explore research projects from other studentsand learn how to get started on your own research!
The UMBC Career Center aims to empower all students and graduates to create their own success stories. We work with students at every academic level. Our services include career advising and counseling, networking events, on-campus & virtual recruiting, interviews, career and professional skills education.
The Education Abroad Office helps UMBC students find a summer, winter, semester or academic year study abroad program that will enable them earn credits toward their UMBC degree while having a life-changing experience in one of dozens of countries around the world. Transfer students can study abroad too!