Reflect, rest and reset over Summer
Questions for the end of the academic year
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou
And just like that the spring semester has come and gone but you’ve made it!
For over a year now, we have witnessed UMBC grit at its finest and we see you out there working hard and moving forward. Together, our campus community has remained connected and has pressed forward amid great adversity and uncertain times.
We have all adjusted to the changes brought on by COVID-19, and though it may be difficult to remember what the academic year was like before we became a virtual community, we are very excited to prepare to come together as a campus once more!
As the spring semester winds down, we encourage you to approach the summer season as a time to RESET with some well-earned rest and reflection. Recognize the growth and development that took place over the entirety of this past year and be proud of your accomplishments. Take some time to celebrate your wins, big and small!
We also are aware of the many challenges and obstacles you’ve faced along the way. Take some time to identify any obstacles or challenges you faced and take the opportunity to develop new goals and/or strategies that will better position you for the road ahead. What have you learned this past year? And how can you use the summer months as a mental reset to assess your plans moving forward?
Consider the following questions to get you started:
- Academically, what kind of year did I have?
- What were my successes and what were my challenges?
- How did I fair in online classes? If I enroll in future online courses, what adjustments should I make in terms of time management and/or communicating with my instructors?
We encourage you now to take some time to consider your academic plan and timeline to graduation:
- Did I complete as many credits and courses as I had planned?
- Do I need to repeat any courses? Check out our academic policy regarding 3rd attempt course repetition if applicable.
- What are some ways I can get some more academic support next semester? The Academic Success Center has a lot of great resources!
- Am I taking any summer courses? Summer sessions can be a great way to a way to catch up or get ahead. Summer registration is still open and doesn’t require advising clearance. Remember, Finish 15 to stay on track!
What about your academic major? What is your current satisfaction and confidence level with your major, are you looking to seek any changes? Consider the following:
- What aspects of my major am I enjoying and what uncertainties do I still have?
- How does what I'm studying impact my future career goals?
- If you are still undecided or are considering changing your major: what steps can I take to make progress towards a decision?
- Do I have any GEPs left to complete? Can I use any of those courses to explore majors or minors I might be interested in?
Tip: If you are still exploring career options related to your academic major, spend time this summer talking to people who have careers that interest you. Check out the online self-exploration resources at UMBC’s Career Center and don’t forget to stay tuned for updates about our The Major Event happening in October!
Using all of this information, review your class schedule for the fall semester and make sure it still makes sense given the academic year you just completed (i.e.- do you need to repeat a class? Are you enrolled in too many credits?).
Tip: If you have still not registered for the fall semester and need advising assistance, talk to a departmental advisor or contact the Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising at
Aside from academics, take some time to think about your social and extra-curricular involvement at UMBC:
- Did I get involved on or off-campus in activities/events that interest me?
- How well did I balance my social and academic life?
- What lessons did I learn from getting involved?
Tip: Extra-curriculars can be a great way to not only meet new people but also get club and leadership experience that looks great on a resume! As we prepare for more in-person interaction next semester, make sure you familiarize yourself with UMBC Student Affairs and Campus Life information so you can anticipate any updates for next semester.
Lastly, make sure you spend some time thinking about where you are financially right now:
- How did I budget my money during the academic year?
- Do I have concerns about paying tuition or funding other aspects of college?
- Am I aware of the financial tools and resources available to me as a UMBC student?
Tip: Check out the status of your student account on myUMBC (under the topic Billing & Personal Finances) to be sure everything is in order. Check in with your Financial Aid Counselor for assistance exploring funding opportunities as well! The Financial Smarts@UMBC website is also for great information on financing your education, living on a budget, and the concept of credit.
Finally, if you need support this summer, please know that UMBC is still very much up and running! Click here to access the COVID-19 student site for a centralized list of campus contact information and resources.
Again, we congratulate you for all you have accomplished this semester. We hope you use the following months as a time to keep moving forward towards your goals. It is never too late to reassess your plans and set yourself up for success. Never forget that we are here to help you make it happen!
Posted: May 12, 2021, 12:16 PM